He thought that maybe Mink went far away because he doesn't want to see him anymore. One night, Mink was very late from coming home and this made Aoba worried. He just go out at day to work then comes back at night. While staying with Mink for a while, Mink didn't even talk to Aoba. Mink had no other choice but to let Aoba go with him in his house. Good Ending: Aoba finds Mink in his hometown but after spotting him, Mink says that he is an idiot and he should go back to which Aoba refuses. I want to know what Noiz' sibling look like and the reaction of his parents when he'll introduce Aoba to them. xD I just wish that the story includes Aoba and Noiz going to Germany. Noiz was quite a sadist here, when they were making love, depending on the choices the player makes, Noiz will tie Aoba at the bed then blindfolds him or he will push Aoba to the window where someone might be watching and makes love with him on the spot. They stayed at a hotel and made love with each other. After some preparations, Noiz and Aoba went to ex Platinum Jail because that's where the airport is. She even added that it was a shame that she would not see any children of Aoba. They thought that grandma would refuse but she accepted it as long as Aoba will not regret going with Noiz.

Aoba explained their relationship which grandma quietly listens. The three of them sits and Noiz says that he would like to take Aoba to Germany with him making grandma and Aoba surprised. Noiz said that he want to say something to Aoba's grandmother and so they went to Aoba's house.

Noiz picks up Aoba bridal style but Aoba yells at him to put him down which he did so. Aoba was angry at him but at the same time relieved to see him again. Good Ending: After three months, Noiz went back to Aoba wearing a formal suit and even his piercings were removed. Aoba has healing abilities right? What if Koujaku bites off his private part? Would it grow back? :/ Koujaku BITES Aoba's private part and Aoba was feeling happy about it even though blood was pouring out! It was kinda disgusting for me. Ugh, if I like the love scene in their good ending then I hate their love scene in this bad ending. The white Aoba (Instinct Aoba version) came inside the room and proceeds on making love with him. After some time in the prison, Koujaku's reason was gone and he became a beast like person. Koujaku shouts at him but he never came back. Aoba then says 'I'm sorry' then proceeds on walking away. While leaving, the white Aoba stops mid way and looks back at Koujaku, the familiar expression surprised him. Koujaku shouts that he wants Aoba back but the white Aoba says he doesn't want to. Koujaku angrily asked about Aoba and the white Aoba explained that the original Aoba failed with his scrap and this made him depressed making his guard down and it was his chance to take over his body. Aoba laughed saying that he thought he can fool Koujaku with the words he wants to hear from 'Aoba'. Aoba says some sweet things to him like accepting him and everything but Koujaku realized that it wasn't really Aoba speaking. After a while of pondering, he is sure that it was Aoba but something was different from him. What he saw surprised him, a man all white looking a lot like Aoba came. Trying to get away from the chains tying him down, he heard footsteps coming. They both held captive by Toue and when Koujaku woke up he finds himself in a prison. I did like there love scene in the bathroom and Koujaku having the habit of holding Aoba's hand when they are in their climax, I think it's just so sweet.īad Ending: Koujaku killed Ryuuhou and Aoba failed with his scrap. In the end, they both sat at Koujaku's bed. When he got inside the bathroom, he was expecting Koujaku to come and not surprisingly, he came. to be honest, Aoba is handsome, it's just too bad that he's the uke of the story but then again, he is the perfect uke of the story xD or something like that, a subtle way of inviting Koujaku. Aoba was about to take a bath and he said 'Don't peek okay?' he sounds like a girl. Koujaku kept some hair of Aoba's in a small box to which Aoba felt embarrassed yelling at him to throw the trash away but Koujaku wants to treasure it. Aoba felt weird at first because his hair was heavy. Being a hairdresser and all, he wanted to cut Aoba's hair and now that Aoba's feeling on his hair disappeared, Aoba agreed on cutting it.

Koujaku admitted that when he first saw Aoba when they were kids, he thought that Aoba was a girl because of his long hair and he even have a crush on him ever since well, I can't deny that, Aoba did really looked like a girl when he was a kid. Good Ending: This takes place before Koujaku cuts the hair of Aoba in the first story good ending.